B12 website builder

Grow your business with a professional AI website

B12 is the easiest AI website builder to help businesses attract, win, and serve clients online.

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B12 Website
B12 Website
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Biarkan AI yang membuat apa pun yang Anda butuhkan dengan mudah

Dengan B12, AI secara otomatis membuat situs web dengan fitur yang Anda perlukan untuk sukses secara online, termasuk pembuatan faktur, penjadwalan, dokumen dan eSignature (tanda tangan elektronik), serta pemasaran via email.

Buat situs web secara instan

AI menyiapkan seluruh situs web Anda dalam hitungan detik, dilengkapi dengan teks, gambar, dan fitur yang dapat digunakan oleh klien.

Wujudkan ide Anda

Biarkan AI yang membuat draf konten situs web baru, postingan blog, dan kampanye via email dalam hitungan detik.

Bekerja sama dengan ahli

Optimalkan visibilitas online Anda dengan menggunakan B12 Editor yang mudah digunakan atau dapatkan panduan dari tim ahli kami.

Transform your business with AI

From AI-generated content to automatically setting you up with the right tools, B12 efficiently delivers a world-class website for your business needs.

Skip the DIY Site Builders
Skip the DIY Site Builders
Skip the DIY Site Builders

Save time with help from AI and experts

B12’s AI-powered platform drafts your industry-specific site in seconds. Unlike other website builders, you have the flexibility to refine it yourself or get help from our design and copywriting experts. Spend less time building your site and more time running your business.

Learn more about B12 websites
A fully optimized online experience
A fully optimized online experience
Built in tools to grow your business
Built in tools to grow your business

Elevate your online presence

You only get one first impression. Make the most of it with stunning web design, effective content, cohesive branding, and industry-relevant imagery. Need an update? The B12 website builder makes maintenance simple, with AI that drafts new content in seconds.

Learn more about the B12 AI website builder
Built in tools to grow your business
Built in tools to grow your business
Built in tools to grow your business

Easily connect with leads and clients

B12’s AI website builder comes with sleek contact forms, online appointment scheduling, invoicing, and email marketing tools. Offer clear touchpoints for website visitors to connect with you and work with your business in just a few clicks.

Learn more about client engagement tools
Strengthen relationships with every interaction
Strengthen relationships with every interaction

Run your business seamlessly

AI instantly sets up your business with integrated contact management, email marketing, and contracts with eSignatures. B12 lets you generate marketing email drafts in seconds, respond to leads within the platform, and organize all contact data from a single dashboard.

Learn more about online business tools
Payment for your services in just a few clicks
Payment for your services in just a few clicks
Payment for your services in just a few clicks

Get paid sooner

Invoice clients directly from B12 and let them pay on your website. No more chasing down checks or manual deposits. Make transactions more convenient for you and your clients, even automating the payment process with recurring invoices.

Learn more about invoicing and online payments

Join thousands of professionals using B12 to power their business online

Barbara Bartelsmeyer
Partner / COO, Action Logistix
Action Logistix

I can make [website edits] myself, and it’s as simple as working in a Word document. If I need more help, I’ll email the B12 team and within 24 hours, boom, it’s done.

Barbara Bartelsmeyer

Barbara Bartelsmeyer

Partner / COO, Action Logistix

Read Barbara Bartelsmeyer's story
Heather Carnes
Founder, Envision HR
Envision HR

B12 has raised the entire bar of website professionalism.

Heather Carnes

Heather Carnes

Founder, Envision HR

Read Heather Carnes's story
Anthony Bell
Founder and Managing Partner, The Bell Group
The Bell Group

With B12, the quality is 10/10. I feel like I got the finished product of building a site from scratch, but it was way easier.

Anthony Bell

Anthony Bell

Founder and Managing Partner, The Bell Group

Read Anthony Bell's story
Gerry Sandusky
Founder, The Sandusky Group
The Sandusky Group

B12 is half the price, and I save twice as much time and see better value.

Gerry Sandusky

Gerry Sandusky

Founder, The Sandusky Group

Read Gerry Sandusky's story
Stephanie Roberts
Founder, Find Yourself In Fashion
Find Yourself In Fashion

With B12, I feel supported and I think it’s absolutely realistic to grow my business. It has saved me countless hours

Stephanie Roberts

Stephanie Roberts

Founder, Find Yourself In Fashion

Read Stephanie Roberts's story

Otomatis, kolaboratif, aman

Luncurkan situs yang modern dan menarik dengan mudah, yang membantu Anda meraih lebih banyak kesuksesan. Bergabunglah dengan lebih dari 150.000 perusahaan yang memberi peringkat kepada B12 sebagai pembuat situs web terbaik di Google, Trustpilot, and G2.

Didukung dengan AI

Hemat waktu dengan menerapkan AI pada berbagai aspek bisnis Anda. Otomatiskan proses Anda dalam menyusun konten baru dan mengirim email, faktur, dan pengingat pembayaran ke klien.

Mudah digunakan oleh tim

Undang anggota tim untuk membantu mengelola situs web, klien, komunikasi, dokumen, janji temu, dan pembayaran Anda.

Sangat aman

Praktik keamanan penting seperti sertifikat HTTPS dan TLS, tidak hanya melindungi informasi Anda namun juga memberikan kepercayaan kepada klien Anda.

Otomatis, kolaboratif, aman

Pembuat situs web berbasis AI terbaik untuk bisnis

Buat draf situs web bisnis Anda hanya dalam 60 detik, dengan semua fitur yang Anda butuhkan untuk menarik, mendapatkan, dan melayani klien secara online dengan lebih baik.

Start for freeNo credit card required
Everything your business needs to thrive


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