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20 easy real estate marketing ideas to grow your agency

2 February, 2021 · 12 min read·Commercial real estate firm
20 easy real estate marketing ideas to grow your agency
A curated list of 20 easy real estate marketing ideas to grow your agency.

Real estate agents and realtors are always looking for new leads to grow their business. Marketing is the lifeblood of any brokerage, and finding new potential clients for your firm is a top priority.

However, marketing is challenging, especially if you have no experience sourcing leads yourself. Building your pipeline is essential, but it's frustrating and demotivating when you don't see any results.

We decided to help you with your prospecting duties and curated this list of 20 easy real estate marketing ideas to grow your agency.

#1 Design a professional real estate website

In the digital age of marketing, your real estate agency needs an online presence. A website is a non-negotiable component of your marketing strategy in the new era of business. Your website forms your online business's core, and it's your biggest asset in lead generation.

A professionally designed website features management and marketing systems integrated into the design. With this model, you build your real estate agency a lead-generating machine that runs on autopilot.

Make sure you hire a professional design team. Attempting a DIY website built using a web-builder program will end up wasting your time and marketing budget. It would be best if you had a professional team to help you get the most out of your website's potential.

Spend some time researching the top real estate firms in your area and look at the site's design and navigation. Alternatively, you can look at the best real estate websites to gain some inspiration for your own website design. Make some notes on the site's layout and feel and create a shortlist of five websites you like.

Send that to a website development team, and wait for them to finish a custom website design for your brokerage.

#2 Optimize your pages

After building your website, you need to optimize it for performance. If prospects open your landing page, and it takes more than a second or two to load, they'll return to the search results and go with one of your competitors instead.

Page optimization is a vital component of your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. Your pages need to be functional and load fast.

Make sure that the design team uses mobile-friendly templates for your site. More than half of all web traffic comes from mobile devices, and you're leaving money on the table if your templates aren't mobile compatible.

Page optimization also needs to include your relevant niche keywords in your services pages, contact information, and other content around your site. Optimizing your pages with keywords boosts your visibility to the search bots, elevating your search ranking.

#3 Hire professional photography services

When taking photos for your site, make sure you're using a professional photographer for agent headshots and other images.

A professional photography service knows how to use light and angles to make your photos look great. Using your cell phone camera isn't an option – it creates an unprofessional feel to your website design, causing your prospects to raise red flags about scams.

High-quality portfolio photos, headshots, and images around your website give your prospects what they expect when they land on your site. A professional design with high-quality images adds value to your brand reputation and your marketing strategy.

#4 Leverage Trulia and Zillow

Trulia and Zillow are two of the leading private real estate websites. They specialize in connecting buyers, sellers, and agents, and the site has one of the largest real estate offerings online.

Create an account and start interacting with new home buyers. Zillow and Trulia are excellent examples of using existing real estate market infrastructure to your advantage.

#5 Create YouTube video walkthroughs

YouTube is an invaluable resource for realtors. With YouTube, you can open an account and start filming video walkthroughs on all your properties. A walkthrough allows people to skip the open house and take a virtual tour through the property.

Purchase a selfie stick, and record the videos on your phone or using a GoPro camera. Upload them to your YouTube account, and use the links to embed the videos directly on your website. Video marketing is one of the most effective forms of attracting prospects and clients.

With the coronavirus pandemic causing more people to stay indoors, having a virtual walkthrough keeps you and your prospects safe. Your YouTube channel is an effective marketing tool and you can use it for much more than walkthroughs.

Treat your subscribers to a range of content videos on various topics, from how to assess a property for sale to what you need to understand about the closing process.

#6 Start a real estate blog

While video marketing is the way of the future, blogging is still a useful marketing tool for your real estate business. A blog acts as an information resource for clients and prospects and a marketing platform for your real estate company.

Blogging is a vital part of your content strategy and a great way to reach your target audience. Create compelling articles, reviews, and infographics to post on your blog. You can talk about maintenance tips for homeowners, how to find the best deal in your neighborhood – or anything you like that's real estate related.

Your real estate blog also offers you the chance to collect new leads for your business. Provide access to a premium section on your blog in exchange for the reader's email address. After they send you their email, they gain access to the premium content, and you send their email to your sales funnel.

#7 Host webinars

A webinar is an excellent way to attract new clients to your real estate business. First-time homebuyers are looking for any edge they can get to save money on their deal and increase their property value.

Prospects are willing to tune in to hear a real estate professional talk about interesting topics that benefit their purchase or their property value. Creating a webinar that caters to trending issues in homeownership or the property market's current state is valuable information to your listeners.

Promote your seminar through your social media accounts (more on that later). Make the delegates sign up for your webinar by dropping you their email address, phone number, and name. It's a great opt-in strategy to get plenty of qualified buyers into your sales funnel.

#8 Learn to use Google Analytics

As an internet marketer looking after your online real estate business, you need to understand how data affects your website. Signing up for a Google Analytics account helps you track your website's performance.

Use Google Analytics to track your traffic sources and what the traffic does when it arrives on the site. Google Analytics can help you understand your demographic and target market, helping you build dedicated client personas for your marketing campaigns.

Tech solutions like Google Analytics boost your marketing efforts, helping you understand what's going on behind the scenes on your website. You can use this data to your advantage, testing new strategies and see how they affect your traffic and conversion in real-time.

#9 Design compelling CTAs on your landing pages

Marketers understand the importance of Calls-to-Action. A CTA acts as the digital closing tool prompting your prospect to take action on your value offer. You need compelling CTAs that draw attention, causing your potential client to take action.

After clicking the CTA, the prospect receives a contact form, which they complete to obtain the value offer. The system pulls the prospect information into your sales funnel, and the marketing process begins.

Using a CTA is one of the best marketing tips we can give you in this review.

However, you need to ensure you place them strategically around your site and on all your landing pages. Look at your competition and how they use CTAs on their site. Take note of the language and actions used in the CTA to get the prospect to convert.

#10 Setup a Local Business Page on Google

The search engines emphasize local businesses that register accounts with a Google Business page. Include your phone number and other contact information, and watch your ranking grow.

#11 Create a portfolio on social media

Social media platforms present you with one of the most effective marketing tools available. Chances are you already have a LinkedIn account. You can leverage this professional network to help you build your reputation.

Post mini-blogs on your LinkedIn page, and share your website blogs on your feed to your contacts. It's a great way to build trust and credibility while elevating your industry status. Instagram also offers marketers an excellent opportunity to grow their audience.

Instagram is a highly visual platform. Use it to promote your property portfolio. Create captions that tell prospective buyers about the details of the home and local amenities.

You can use Instagram location tags and hashtags to help you keep your posts relevant to your specific area of operations.

#12 Network with local businesses

Online marketing offers you the best bang for your marketing buck. However, it's not the only way to promote your business. If your firm is in a city or town, chances are there are hundreds of companies in your local area. All these businesses serve your customers.

Take a few hours to drop in on businesses in your area and speak to small business owners or managers. Remember to take along business cards, and drop them off with everyone you meet. Creating relationships with local insurance agents, financial advisors, accountants, and even restaurant owners is a great way to build your reputation in the community.

When those business owners or managers are talking to people, they might end up recommending you as their preferred realtor. You can do the same for the other businesses in your area. Link up with an accountant and mortgage broker, and recommend their services to your clients.

#13 Start a Facebook Ads campaign

Facebook is the best resource for social media marketing. Chances are all your clients are already on Facebook; all you have to do is find them. Fortunately, the Facebook Ads Manager offers you a user-friendly tool for launching custom marketing campaigns.

Best of all, you don't have to have a large following, and you can promote your Facebook ads to anyone on your target market.

The Facebook ad manager platform lets you target your audience by demographics like age, income, and interest. It also offers retargeting campaigns and a range of campaign objectives designed to bring you more leads from your marketing strategy.

#14 Design a lead magnet

The key to success with your online real estate website is growing your email list.

Your email list gives you a string of qualified prospects that want to consume your content and offers. Building your list is a top priority, but how do you do it?

If you want people to give you their details, you need to present them with a value offer. Your value offer could be one of many different things, but it has the sole purpose of piquing your prospect's interest enough to get them to leave you their email address.

Your potential clients have to feel that your value offer is worth trading their information for your insight. You could offer them priority access to a monthly newsletter or offer a free consultation to real estate investors on Skype.

The idea is to capture the lead and send it to your sales funnel, where you have the best chance of turning prospects into new clients.

#15 Guest post on authority sites

Make a note of top authority sites in your niche, offering guest posting opportunities. With a guest post, you create a blog or article talking about home buying tips or something real estate related.

You'll post the article on the authority site, with a link pointing to your site embedded in the content. When people reading the content click your link, it pulls them through to your landing page.

#16 Leverage email marketing campaigns

A lead magnet is an essential part of your marketing strategy for your real estate business. However, what do you do with the data after you capture it?

As mentioned, your email list is the lifeblood of your marketing strategy. Once you have a decent size list, you can start promoting your company and your services through email marketing campaigns designed to increase conversion.

There are various email marketing tools you can use to execute and monitor your marketing campaign's efficacy. However, building a sales funnel is crucial; designing every step of the email campaign to increase conversion.

#17 Implement a CRM solution

A CRM solution integrates with your website, allowing you to store all your client details online, automate workflows, and track your marketing campaigns. With a CRM system, you have a dedicated follow-up system that keeps you in contact with your clients and prospects.

CRMs integrate with marketing tools like your sales funnel, allowing you to keep tabs on every stage of the prospecting and follow up process from a central dashboard. Capture your real estate leads and send them directly to your sales funnel.

CRMs also integrate with automated tools designed to increase employee engagement and productivity. Create electronic email signatures and processes designed to remove paperwork from your office.

#18 Start a referral system

Any real estate agent will tell you that most of their new business comes from referrals. A referral strategy needs to be a part of your real estate marketing plan. If you have a new client, ask them if they know any potential buyers or sellers, and offer them a commission for sending you new leads that convert.

People love to talk to others about what's going on in their lives. Buying real estate is one of the biggest investments people make in their lives, and they're bound to talk about their experience with their friends.

#19 Ask your clients for reviews

One of the best marketing tactics is asking your past clients for reviews. The search engines place importance on verified reviews through platforms like Trustpilot, Google Reviews, and Yelp. Millennials are a market that's heavily reliant on reading social proof when making a purchase decision.

Therefore, having reviews and a positive track record behind your name means you'll attract more clients by inspiring your prospects' confidence.

However, make sure you only use verified testimonials and reviews on your site. If a prospect thinks you're making up the reviews yourself, or there's no way to verify the review, it looks suspicious. However, installing a widget on your homepage showing your Trustpilot or Google Reviews rating is an excellent way to inspire confidence in prospects visiting your site.

#20 Work with a trusted partner for real estate marketing

Your real estate marketing strategy is a whole lot easier if you sign up for a website with B12. B12 offers you an AI-assisted web design service for your real estate business. You get a high-quality draft of your website, with customizations and integrations for CRM and marketing tools.

B12 charges an affordable monthly subscription fee for its services, making it the ideal choice for real estate companies bootstrapping their online transition. Your B12 website comes with email marketing and SEO tools built into the platform and a fully managed solution to optimize and fix your website.

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