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What are best practices for blog design?

27 April, 2023 · 5 min read·Website design
What are best practices for blog design?
Learn the best practices for designing an effective and visually stunning blog that will engage and retain readers. Discover the key elements that can make your blog stand out among the competition.

Blog design may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about creating a successful blog. But it’s without a doubt one of the most important elements to consider. A well-designed blog can help you attract and retain readers. It makes your blog look professional and aesthetically pleasing. Plus, it enhances the overall user experience. 

A clunky web design, on the other hand, can disappoint users. In fact, more than 70% of web designers think that a non-responsive design makes users click away from a site. 

In this blog post, we will explore the various aspects of blog design. We’ll also give tips on how to implement them effectively. From user-friendly navigation to optimizing for mobile, we will cover it all to help you create a blog that stands out and keeps your readers engaged.

Why your blog's design matters

When creating a blog, one of the essential aspects to consider is its design. While content remains king in the blogging world, design matters. A well-designed blog can drive more traffic and provide a better user experience for readers. So ensure that the blog layout and presentation are visually appealing and easy to navigate. Your blog design should make readers want to come back for more.

Visual aesthetics are vital in making a great first impression. Blog designs immediately set the tone for the brand, and it should align with the message. The color scheme, fonts, and overall layout should be consistent. They should be easy to read. A cluttered or confusing website could lead to readers bouncing off and looking for information elsewhere. That’s why you need to pay attention to every detail.

Attention spans are increasingly becoming shorter, so it's essential to make a good impression quickly. Blog designers should aim for simplicity in design, but one that packs a punch. Every element of the blog should be functional and have a purpose. They should also be visually appealing. It's not hard to achieve this. But it does require attention and skill to ensure a good balance.

The number of blogs continues to multiply. So bloggers must find ways to stand out and differentiate themselves from others. A well-crafted design can help you achieve this goal. Readers also tend to associate visually pleasing blogs with credible sources of information, which is a plus for any blogger. Your blog design can make you stand out. That’s why it’s a must to get it right from the start.

User-friendly navigation: the backbone of blog page design

User-friendly navigation is how easily readers can find the information they’re looking for within your blog. A well-designed navigation system will help readers get to the content they want quickly and easily. It can also increase engagement and reduce the bounce rate on your site.

Simple navigation 

One of the key components of good navigation design is simplicity. A cluttered menu can overwhelm readers, making them uncertain about where to go next. One effective strategy is to group your content into categories and use submenus to help readers quickly locate the specific information they seek. Consistency is also important in navigation design. Use the same headings, subheadings, and menu structure on all pages to help readers navigate your blog with ease.

Fast loading 

Another critical aspect of user-friendly navigation is speed. Readers will quickly leave your site if they have to wait for your pages to load. It's crucial to optimize your site's speed by using a lightweight framework and optimizing images and videos. A slow-loading website leaves visitors feeling frustrated and annoyed rather than relaxed and excited to engage with your content.


Ensure that the navigation bar is visible and accessible on every page of your blog. Readers should be able to access any part of your blog easily. They shouldn’t have to go back to your blog's homepage every time they want to access other parts of your blog. This consistency helps readers feel in control, and they will appreciate that you value their time and make content access easy. The navigation bar should also be easy to read and use and include font choice, consistent logos, and relevant images to give readers visual cues for content discovery.

Choose the right color scheme: how to make your posts pop

For bloggers, creating an impressive blog design is essential to attract readers. Great blog design examples use compelling color schemes. Choosing the right colors can help your blog stand out in a sea of competitors. It can make your popular blog posts more eye-catching. It can also convey the right messages and attract the right audience.

Consider your audience

When selecting a color scheme, think about your audience. What do you want them to feel when they land on your blog? Different colors evoke different emotions, so choose colors that fit your blog's tone and purpose. For example, blue exudes calmness and trust, which is perfect for a finance or medical-related blog, while red is associated with excitement and passion, which may be ideal for a fashion or entertainment blog.

Strive for consistency

Aim for a color scheme that's consistent throughout your blog, including the logo, headers, and graphics. Consistency makes your blog look more professional and helps readers identify and remember your brand. Look for inspiration from major brands or other successful bloggers to see how they use color to create a recognizable brand.

Consider the contrast

Don't forget to consider the contrast between your text and background colors. Readability is key in blogging. Meaning, your content should be easy on the eyes. Black text on a white background is a great example. It's the most readable combination for most readers. But you can also use other combinations. Just make sure they are legible, and the text pops in the background.

Consistent branding: creating a lasting impression

When visitors come across a blog, they expect to be able to recognize it visually in the future. Creating a consistent brand image builds trust and loyalty for the site so that users become more familiar with the blog over time. To achieve this, bloggers should use a consistent color palette, typography, images, logos, and icons throughout their website.

When creating a brand, think deeply about the values that the blog represents. With consistent branding, bloggers create a memorable impression that makes users feel more comfortable returning to the website. Branding has to align with the tone, voice, and subject matter of the blog. For example, if the blog is about nature, using green shades in the logo and design creates an instant association with nature and outdoor life.

Consistency also involves blog naming and the use of domain names. Brands that use memorable names and logos stick in people’s minds, making it easier for users to recall the name and pop back to the site. Aim for a name that is easy to remember. It should also reflect the blog's subject matter.

Ultimately, a consistently branded website arouses trust and enhances the image of the blog. Consistent branding establishes an identity for the blog, making it easier to distinguish the blog from the rest. It also makes the site authoritative, thus consolidating its lead in the industry. Brand consistency creates a lasting impression, adding value to the blog long term.

Optimizing for mobile: the rise of mobile blogging

It's impossible to ignore the prevalence of mobile devices. People are constantly on the go. They check their smartphones for updates, news, and entertainment. For bloggers, this means optimizing their website for mobile users is crucial. It's not enough to just have a website that is accessible on a mobile device. It must be designed specifically for this user base to ensure a seamless browsing experience.

Prioritize speed and simplicity

When designing a mobile-friendly blog, it's important to prioritize speed and simplicity. Mobile users are often looking for quick information, meaning your site must load quickly and be easy to navigate. A cluttered homepage and complex navigation can lead to frustration and an increased bounce rate. Make sure your site is streamlined and easy to use on even the smallest of screens.

Incorporate visual elements

Another design element to consider is visual media. Mobile devices are designed with stunning displays, meaning that high-quality custom images and videos are sure to make an impact. Be sure to include these elements in your latest blog post, breaking up text with visuals to provide a more engaging experience for your readers. Make sure these elements are optimized for mobile viewing. This is so they don't slow down your site's load time. Also consider leveraging white space.

Have a responsive design 

Consider having a responsive design. Responsive design ensures that your personal blog is user-friendly no matter the size of the device being used to browse your site. A responsive design ensures a consistent experience for your readers. This is regardless of their device. Designing with mobile users in mind is no longer just a trend, it's a necessity for any blogger who wants to remain relevant and reach a larger audience.

Call to action: inspire your readers to act

Every blog has a purpose. Whether it's to inform, entertain or inspire its readers. But more often than not, bloggers overlook the importance of inspiring their readers to take action. A call to action (CTA) is a powerful tool that can be incorporated into every blog post. This helps you encourage readers to engage with your featured article.

By using carefully crafted CTAs, bloggers can inspire readers to take the desired action - be it subscribing to their newsletter, leaving a comment, or making a purchase. Without a clear CTA, readers may leave your site without taking any further action or without remembering your brand.

Not all CTAs are created equal. To optimize your CTA, you need to keep it simple and precise. Use actionable words like "subscribe", "download" or "book a demo" to encourage readers to take immediate action. Additionally, using contrasting colors or eye-catching graphics can be effective in drawing attention to your CTA.

Alongside providing a clear and straightforward CTA, it's essential to place it strategically above the fold. The above-the-fold area refers to the visible part of your website before scrolling down. By placing your CTA above the fold, you ensure that readers don't have to search for it, making it more convenient for them to take the desired action.

Setting up a business blog with a solid design 

Following the best practices for web design can help you create a professional site that truly engages your audience. At B12, we help you launch a beautiful, professional website in 30 days or less. We can help you create monthly blog content to boost SEO and engage readers, or you can try our built-in AI text generator.

Use the B12 Editor to build a website that wows clients. Start by seeing a free draft in 60 seconds, then work with expert designers and copywriters to personalize and refine it. Finally, launch it and use client-engaging tools like invoicing, intake, contracts, and more to grow your business.

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