Create Instagram highlight covers and icons for your stories
Want to preserve your Instagram stories? Learn how to create Instagram highlight covers and icons.
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- All my Instagram I'm beginning a lot of questions on how I created my Instagram story highlights so I thought I'd fill my video if you guys today showing you how I do that so you guys can create your own Instagram story highlights for you or Instagram so let's go right ahead and get straight into the video alrighty soo so the first step in creating your Instagram story highlight is finding images that best suit the categories of your Instagram stories so for example on my Instagram stories I post a lot about my youtube or outfits of the day so obviously it makes sense for me to find photos that are best suited to that okay to give you guys an idea of the photos you could use for your categories I'm going to go ahead and show you my Instagram story highlights so I have a category for YouTube so obviously I just have the YouTube logo for the photo shopping I just have a plain shopping bag outfits of the day I have a clothes hanger just because that relates best to clothes for
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- I thought I would do a video on how to create your story into the story highlight covers so how to create winter story highlight covers as a lot of you keep the enemy about this and it's super super easy let's put my phone I'm just gonna put my phone next to me here I actually really want update mine because I didn't mind it a while ago and I should be wanna update them so what I mean by that is when you go on your Instagram so these you see like I've got photo editing beauty fashion and inspire and they've just got a little cover on them so they like look cleaner yeah I'm I don't want to be honest man I'm not interesting I might change it but then I don't know it quite a night for the quite simple but this is what I'm talking about I'll just show you some other people's and Mariana here it's got some great ones like super cute and a car cute has are that they're really clean Woodcrest nice little photos can't see because he's Simone she's like what's the most
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- I'm going to show you how you can make your own Instagram highlighted story covers using canva if you're still not totally sure where my highlights are it's a feature that Instagram rolled out to allow you to archive stories even after they have expired and display them into your profile just under your bio users are now using them to add to their visual themes and their brands by using their own custom made highlight covers so here's how you can make yours okay so the first thing you're going to want to do is log into canvas and then go ahead and click use custom dimensions if you're on the App the canva app they also have a stories template already so you can use that one or you can just type it in here the dimensions are 1080 by 1920 then click design and then it's gonna pop up with this dimension here okay so the first thing I do is I go over to elements click on shapes and then I just grab a regular square box and make it my background and now you're gonna want to change this to whatever color
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- Today I'm going to show you how to create icons for your Instagram story highlights using canva so first go to canva can account it's free to create an account and there's so many free things you can do in here you're gonna click use custom dimensions the width is 1080 and the height is 1920 pixels first what I'm gonna do is change the background the color that I'm gonna use is my signature pink color now for the icon go to elements they have a ton of free icons in here that you can use you can change the colors on these so they are not set in stone just find what represents what you're going for so first I'm gonna search for food I'm gonna do a fork at the top you'll usually find a few free options so I'm actually gonna use this one just drag it on over into your design up here you can change the color from this beautiful tan to white or whatever color works you can resize this don't worry too much about resizing these or making them super consistent because you're gonna be able to adjust that in
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- In this video I teach you how to make covers for Instagram highlights stories on your phone for free
- (Cover for your Instagram Story Highlight)
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- In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to create your custom Story Highlights covers using Canva and icons from Iconfinder
- You can skip the intro and jump straight to any of these sections: Here is how the result is going to look like: Highlights is a great tool to present the key information to your customers and showcase the best of you, whether you are working with your personal or a business account
- Instagram uses the first photo you add to the highlight as the cover image
- In this tutorial, we will use an example of a café that wants to showcase their menu using Instagram Highlights
- Try to maintain a good contrast between the icon and the background color, as the cover will appear in small size on your Instagram page
- Click the “Add the new page” button and repeat the previous steps to create the remaining covers
- When you finish creating the covers, click the download icon in the top right corner and save the images in PNG format If you are exporting multiple images, Canva saves it in a zip folder
- If you have any questions about creating your custom Highlight covers, feel free to ping us in the comments’ section.
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- Go to your Instagram profile and tap the circular icon with a ‘+’ sign to create a new Highlight
- You can choose any of the Stories you’re going to include and move it to highlight which part of the image you want to serve as your cover — keep reading to discover quick and easy ways to make fun Highlight Covers! Here are some ways to utilize the tools ON Instagram to create fun Highlight Covers for your Stories
- Did you know you could create a solid colored background on Instagram Stories? Snap a pic of anything, tap on the marker icon up top, choose the color you’d like to use as your background and hold down on the screen until the color takes over
- BAM, instant color backdrop for you to add text, images, any anything else you’d like to use a potential Highlights Cover
- Create fun text highlight covers using the backgrounds + font options on the Instasize app
- The images most influencers post on their feeds are curated and perfectly polished — we have all come to realize that this isn’t a realistic look at life, so use Instagram Stories and the new Highlights feature to better connect with your audience.
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- Well, in this post, I share the step by step process of how to create Instagram highlights covers & icons
- With a photo editing tool like Adobe Spark Post, it’s, even more, easier to create Instagram story highlights icons
- So, if you are ready to learn these easy steps to creating Instagram highlights cover for free, then jump right into the video to learn… …and be sure to apply the steps
- #InstagramTips #InstagramStories #SocialMediaMarketing See, if you were stuck on creating custom Instagram Story Highlights Icons you will now be a pro after watching this video
- This video shows you the Step By Step over the shoulder tutorial on How To Make Instagram Story Highlight Icons or also known as Instagram highlight story covers or highlight stories GET MY FREE WORDPRESS INSTALLATION SERVICES: 👇 ➡️ https://bit.ly/2Kbi1Kg Let’s Connect On Social:👇 https://www.facebook.com/oratorsam/ https://www.instagram.com/iamoratorsam/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/iamoratorsam/https://twitter.com/iamoratorsam/https://web.whatsapp.com/send?phone=2348161646027/https://m.me/yourbloggingcoach/ https://samadeyinka.com/ If you do not know how to use Instagram stories do not panic it is really easy! So, if you’ve been looking for how to create beautiful Instagram highlights, I’m so sarn sure that this post and video will help you get started in creating your first custom Instagram story highlights cover and icons.
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- For about two weeks now, I have been creating a feed of photos for Anthem Branding and establishing them as Instagram Highlight Stories that provide context of who we are and what we do as a business
- With Instagram Highlight Stories, the stories stay on your profile for as long as you want
- Cover Photos or Icons Creating a good cover photo for each Instagram highlight story is important to bring everything together and keep your social media cohesive
- If you want to keep your cover photo, but not have it on your highlight feed, click into the actual highlight story
- That means that every story you want to put on the highlight has to be posted as a story first on your general Instagram account
- The Secret to Uploading Multiple Photos Don’t want to have your followers see that you are messing around with your Instagram Story Highlights? Once you have created all of your highlight stories and wanted the 24 hour period since your last post, you can unhide your story from your followers.
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- If you are uploading media directly from you phone that you’d like to make into a Highlight, this little hack allows you to preview and upload multiple Stories posts at the same time
- You can now preview and edit each Stories post by flicking through them at the bottom of the screen, or by tapping the far left or right of each Stories post, prior to uploading them
- A common misperception is that you can only add a cover image to a Stories Highlight if you have uploaded the image to the Highlight
- Adding cover images to your Stories Highlights can increase your professionalism, strengthen your branding and entice users to view your Highlights
- To add a cover image to your Stories Highlight without uploading it as a Stories post: 4
- Select this icon to upload any image from your phone
- Instagram orders your Stories Highlight by placing the one which has been added to most recently at the beginning of the order on your Instagram profile
- Temporarily removing and re-adding a Stories post is the solution to getting your desired Highlight at the beginning of the list
- 8
- Click ‘Done’ in the top right-hand corner and exit the Highlight.
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