Facebook video upload limits and other video requirements

Facebook video upload limits and other video requirements

Does Facebook have a video upload limit? Check out these resources to find the answer to this and other important Facebook video questions.

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How to Avoid Copyright Strikes on Facebook and InstagramHow to Avoid Copyright Strikes on Facebook and Instagram

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  • Hey gang! Drex here from drexfactor.com and I wantedto talk a little bit about copyright strikes and video on Facebook and Instagram
  • I’ve been flagged a lot of times on bothplatforms for uploading videos with copyrighted music, most often from uploading flow sessionsthat feature a popular song
  • It hasn’t just been me, either
  • I’ve talked to a lot of other flow artistsand glovers who’ve gotten flagged for using copyrighted music and it really sucks becauseFacebook will block you from uploading
  • That block can last anywhere between two daysand a month--apparently you can even get permanently blocked if you receive enough strikes
  • It’s a difficult process to appeal and theassumption always is that you do not have the rights to use the music in your video
  • And this sucks, right? The whole reason you get blocked is that youhave a piece of music that you truly love and moving to it is how you show your appreciation
  • So how to get around this? Well, I’ve found three strategies that work
  • So let’s take a look at them
  • First, you can use music that isn’t undercopyright
  • There are LOTS of places online that holdarchives of copyright free music
  • A few of them
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  • hi it's Malcolm here with a quick video on how to upload your videos to Facebook in high definition to make sure that they play the best they possibly can so if you go up to the top right hand side it's a drop down menu click on scenes now obviously people who are watching Facebook video which is massive you could imagine that we've millions and millions of people and Facebook's only got so much room on its servers I would imagine cells compressing your video because lots and lots of people are watching videos so if you want it to show as pristine as possible you want to show it in HD or high definition go to the left hand column here on this screen click on the bottom videos option and you'll have two boxes here under video settings I already changed it but this is the box we need to change it's likely that this top row changing the video quality to HD is set to default when you log in just click it drop down menu will come to s the only HD of available left click and there you go that's done so now
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  • hi Karen Raye today I'm going to give you a tip here on how to improve your uploads for your movies your videos to YouTube and to Facebook Handa I want to show you something here I did this little research because my videos were taking an awful long time and I thought maybe it was just the speed of my modem or at speed of my internet and it just drove me crazy forever but I found this little resource here but look at 97 million results on why does my video take so long to upload and Facebook so um there's a ton of people looking but when I searched for some answers to that really I did not find an answer that was helpful so for a month or so I waited another month and suffered through all these uploads and and exports - and two videos from my computer to Facebook and in YouTube and why do I want to upload it instead of just using the link that's another video but if you want to know that then I will put a link here that you can click and you can get on my tips
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  • yeah every once in a while I'm wearingthe exact same outfit I won last video that's because I recorded that videothat he just saw me editing that I just posted on you - all about hating yourjob this morning edited that to publish today and then today actually has to getstarted so I'll feel like changing so just finished up making a bunch ofdifferent edits for today's vlog that I posted this morning about hating yourjob every once in a while if I post a certain video that I think can really berelatable to people in different social networks I like to make up editspecifically for those actual platforms and it's not that thing is reallyimportant I've talked about before we're really important from a video creatorstandpoint in the first place is realizing the importance of nativelyposting certain content in those platforms so there's a lot of peoplethat I watch that will post some sort of video on youtube and then post the exactsame video and the exact same format on Instagram and then it doesn't take upthe full screen or they want people to turn the phone sideways to look at it orthey want people to do what they
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  • hey guys on today's we didn't want to show you how to send out a few things over Facebook Messenger so right now wearing Facebook just open up Facebook in any web browser and then you guys will see this icon up here messages so let's just open that up choose the person who you guys want to send that message to so there's the person so this window should pop up and now if you guys want to send out anything really down here below you guys will notice you guys can attach pictures and files or take a quick pic so what I'm going to show you the easier way now I have these pictures right here on the side there are my desktop it can be no USB stick and a folder it doesn't really matter where they are I can choose both of them or one at a time so I'm gonna just choose both of them I'm gonna drag and drop on top of here okay so I'm drag and dropping on top of the message okay and then you guys will see that you guys can click right here okay on the messages and
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  • Here’s how they’ve done it: Here’s a recent example which has garnered more than 8.7 million views at the time of writing: When you upload a video, you can select a thumbnail or add a custom thumbnail for your video
  • Even though Facebook now auto-plays videos on the mobile News Feed with sound, it’s unclear how many people watch videos with the sound on
  • Here’re a couple examples: Facebook provides metrics like minutes viewed, video views, and average watch time, which can provide great insights into which videos generated the most engagement with your viewers
  • Some of the metrics I like to look at include: If you want more people to watch your videos and see your Facebook posts, consider going live on Facebook
  • As a first step, we are making a small update to News Feed so that Facebook Live videos are more likely to appear higher in News Feed when those videos are actually live, compared to after they are no longer live
  • People spend more than 3x more time watching a Facebook Live video on average compared to a video that’s no longer live.
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  • Do you have such confusions on image and video specs every time when you post on different social media? Now let’s find out the ideal size for video and image posts in which they’re more eye-catching
  • On Instagram, you can add videos up to 1 minute with .MP4 or .MOV format, and a maximum file size of 4GB
  • Recommended size: 820 x 462 pixelsMinimum size: 820 x 312 pixels Post video: 1280x720 pixels 360 video: you can use videos from 600 pixels wide to 4096 x 2048 pixels, 2:1 aspect ratio
  • You can upload videos up to 140 minutes in .MOV format for mobile and .MP4 for the web
  • Horizontal video recommended size: 1280 x 1024 pixelsVertical video recommended size: 1200 x 1900 pixelsSupported aspect ratios: 1:2.39–2.39:1 Videos up to 10 minutes long with a maximum file size of 5 GB
  • Maximum post size: 4096 by 2304 pixelsMinimum post size: 256 by 144 pixelsAspect ratios: 1:2:4–2:4:1 Each platform has its own specs they support to which they make slight changes eventually
  • The platforms support vertical, horizontal and square images
  • You can easily create social media cover and post images with your preferred(or recommended) size using SinglePost design tool.
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  • That calls for a different approach to optimizing them, from their structure down to their content On YouTube, people usually go for specific videos, whereas on Facebook they find videos in their feed
  • Also, Facebook videos don’t usually have the long shelf life of YouTube videos
  • There are also some small but important differences between Facebook and Instagram videos
  • Instagram videos cannot be longer than 60 seconds, while Facebook videos can be as long as 240 minutes
  • The first three seconds of the video are the most important for grabbing attention, as storytelling for social video is different from the passive storytelling of TV narratives
  • You can then follow that up with the rest of your narrative, making sure your video stays engaging until the end Given the sheer amount of video content out there, a catchy thumbnail can often make the difference between a video that gets seen and one that doesn’t
  • Video engagement on Facebook and Instagram tends to drop as the length of the video increases
  • The optimal video length to drive engagement, shares, and brand awareness on Facebook is one minute, according to HubSpot
  • Calls to action on your Facebook and Instagram videos can boost social engagement.
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  • Moreover, we had seen numerous studies highlighting the importance of videos on social media: Facebook video ads are getting more and more important
  • When we deploy Video advertisements on Facebook, thanks to the various updates, we can also create engagement custom audience from video views
  • The created custom audiences are useful for future remarketing campaigns since we can filter the high quality viewers
  • As videos becoming a boom on social media, Facebook continues to add enhancement to improve the targeting option for video campaigns
  • If you’re still hesitant to launch any video ads on Facebook, you should know online videos are the trend now
  • To reduce the time and effort when creating videos, especially for Facebook Ads, we need to understand the optimum size, format and recommendation for videos
  • In fact, 15 seconds is considered the perfect video length if you want to advertise on both Facebook and Instagram
  • Placement & Video Length Source: Video Requirement for Facebook Apps and Services Always design the video like a “silent film”
  • You will be able to check the video average watch time to identify the exact second/scene in the video
  • In order to have high watch time rate, shorter videos usually work the best.
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  • Business enthusiasts across the globe are pretty keen on keeping the length of their videos short, however, my sweet suggestion would be to customize your video length only according to the type of social media platform you are zeroing in upon
  • Unlike Feed posts, where you can use the cap of 60 seconds to tell your narrative, Instagram stories allow you to share videos with maximum length of15-second only
  • Its in-feed option allows users to share a video of about 240 minutes, which in itself speaks volumes about how badly Facebook wants its consumers and sellers to stay on and interact with the platform
  • However, no matter how strong the temptation to share a long video is, bear in mind that the most successful videos on Facebook fall between 24 to 90 seconds
  • According to Hubspot, “Twitter’s own video explaining video uploads on the platform is only 29 seconds.” And that is the reason why when penetrating Twitter, you need to keep the length of your video content short and crisp
  • According to LinkedIn suggestions, most of the video content shared on the platform should fall within the brackets of 30 seconds to five minutes.
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