Whisper Transcriber is a custom GPT that provides real-time transcriptions for users’ convenience. With this custom GPT, you won’t have to manually transcribe videos, saving you time and effort. .
- Real-time audio transcription
- Time-savings
- Easy setup
Can Whisper Transcriber transcribe in real time?
Yes, one of the best features of Whisper Transcriber is that it transcribes your audio files in real time. This becomes handy, particularly if you need to access or distribute transcripts of your audio files immediately.
What file formats does Whisper Transcriber support?
Whisper Transcriber supports various audio formats. These include MP3, OGG, and WAV.
Does Whisper Transcriber offer additional features beyond basic transcription?
No, unfortunately, Whisper Transcriber’s main focus is real-time transcription. It doesn’t have other features such as audio summarization.
Who is Whisper Transcriber ideal for?
Whisper Transcriber is ideal for people who deal with a huge amount of audio files. These can include students, researchers, and journalists.
Is Whisper Transcriber free?
No, Whisper Transcriber isn’t free. It’s available to ChatGPT Plus members for $20 a month.
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